Feed my baby
Illustrated tutorial on making up a bottle
Making up a bottle is a very simple art to master. There is no magic involved, you just need to apply a few hygiene rules and use the right quantities!

1) Wash your hands and use a clean bottle
- Never prepare a bottle in advance.

2) Fill the bottle with the required quantity of water
- Use bottled water
- Check the quantities of water and powder indicated on the milk powder packaging. These depend on the age of your baby.

3) Warm the water using a bottle warmer or under the hot tap
- The powder mixes better in warm water, but you can also heat the bottle up after adding the powder. Even more practical, you can also give baby the bottle at room temperature. The golden rule: never warm the bottle in the microwave as you risk burning baby.

4) Add scoops of milk powder depending on the quantity of water and the age of your baby (1 scoop for 30ml)
- 1 scoop corresponds to 5g of milk powder
- Take care to use only level scoops, which means not pressed down or heaped
- Check the quantities of water and powder indicated on the milk powder packaging. These depend on the age of your baby.

5) Mix well and let baby enjoy their bottle!
- Pour a few drops of the milk onto the back of your hand to check the temperature (ideally between 32 and 37°C).
Take care to ensure that baby doesn’t burn themselves!

6) Discard any milk that is left over and clean the bottle thoroughly for next time
- To clean the bottle, use washing-up liquid and then leave the bottle to air dry (no contact with a tea towel)
- A bottle must be consumed a maximum of one hour after being prepared. If you wish to take a bottle with you to give to baby later, do not mix the water and powder together until the last minute.